Well okay… pictures don’t lie.  We’ve gotten a little older.
But inside, we’re still the same people that rode the bus, walked the halls, did fun things and dumb things, and made something out of our lives.
We are the GRHS Alumni.

Adding photos and videos to our website will always be a work in progress.  We’ve begun by adding pictures from the most recent events with a few candids from yesterday and today. But… there’s always room for more!

Send us your pictures. Email them to grhs@sasktel.net or our website – GRHSAA.com. Don’t forget to add names.

And as you will also see, we’ve included a few testimonials, or as we like to call them – “Anecdotes, Accounts, and Tales Out of School”.  Oh, you brave souls!
We thank you for putting yourself out there and making the rest of laugh or… cry.  If you want to add your favorite school memory on video, please give us a shout.

We've included tons of candids... click on their respective image to enlarge.

We invite you to explore and enjoy... and take yet another walk down memory lane!